If you are experienced cockatiels owners; then you know very well that cockatiel species of parrot has more affection to fruits. As well as; watermelon is first choice of all bird owners. But, main question is about ‘Can cockatiels eat watermelon?‘ If yes, then how much amount is OK for their well-health?
Dear folks! Before going to ahead, listen our answer in short that is YES! Of course, you can also give this yummy fruit to your pet bird pals, but in controlled portion as slowly. Watermelons are in rich beneficial nutritious that help for improving their eyes and immune health.

Although, watermelon is a most suitable feast for your pet parrots. So, this doesn’t mean; you feed only watermelon to them without rotation any other fruits. To meet cockatiel’s balanced diet; you should be offering many kinds of fruits, veggies, and grains as well.
Is Watermelon Good for Cockatiels?
Of course! We can say that watermelon is a suitable food to your pet bird as long as giving in moderation. This fruit holds super high water content and other beneficial vitamins like as A, B, and C. These compounds help to contribute for boosting up their immune system, and eyes health.
Apart of these, watermelon also offers other useful antioxidant elements including lycopene and beta-carotene that give protection of body’s cell from damage.
As per dietary expert; while giving watermelon to your cockatiels, always apply moderation rule. This is because; it has lot of naturally water that can pose many stomach problems, your feather pals intake it too much.

Being a good cockatiel owner; you always maintain their keep staying on their well health. Therefore, eliminates all seeds and rind before serving it to keep away from choking issues.
Health Benefits for Cockatiels Eating Watermelon
Dear folks! As told above, watermelon is most suitable thing to your pet bird. This is because; watermelon provides several nutrition benefits to them. So, here you will see some of significant benefits:
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First and most remarkable is hydration! As per researched report, watermelon is excellent medium to keep staying good hydration. This is a golden fruit one, especially in summer duration. It also consists potassium named mineral that helps to keep maintain proper balance electrolytes in bird’s body. With receiving these elements, your feather pals keep maintain balance of hydration and electrolyte that helps keep staying its well-health.
As per our dietary expert; Watermelon is also good fruit for obtaining many beneficial vitamins such as A, B6, and C. Vitamin A is most helpful for your colorful feather bird to build-up and well-healthy feathers. But, another vitamin that is B5 supports to improve their digestive system and eyes vision as well. If we talk about Vitamin C, then it lets cocktail for improving their immunity system.
Apart of this; their nutritious benefits are not stopping here! Watermelon fruits are in other essential minerals such as carbohydrate, copper, fat, and copper. These mineral compounds support to keep staying healthy bones, heart, digestive, and other nervous system.
What Are Risk of Giving Watermelon to Cockatiels?
It is not doubt that watermelon is absolutely feast to your feather pal’s diet. But, it can make many concern, if they intake this fruit in large amount.
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Sometime, you will see that cockatiels are expelling the stool in red and watery form. It can produce make big health hazards.
Although, be calm! Don’t take worry about this. This is because; it may be watermelon red juice instead of its blood.
Next concern is rich naturally sugar content that is presented on this fruit lot of amount. Whenever you proceed to feed it with large quantity, then can pose obesity and other diabetes problems.
Therefore, keep minding; watermelon can make excellent treat, if given in moderation with gradually.
While offering this fruit in controlled amount, then your pet bird can easily digest it without any major negative impact.
Can Cockatiels Have Watermelon Rind?
It is not clear answering that whether cockatiels can eat watermelon rind or not. But, most of pet owners always deny to give this rind them. The reason is behind of this; watermelon rind has many dangerous pesticides and other chemicals that can destroy the cockatiel’s life
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Therefore, it would be wise, if you do eliminate its rind before serving to cockatiels.
As explained already that watermelon is a safe one fruit to your pet, but just their seeds and flesh portion.
At most possible, you should be preferred for removing its rinds, cause of their potential contamination.
As per opinions of dietary expert; icebox watermelons are also good option that are small in size; and release very less waste. Therefore, you can opt them for serving your pet parrots.
Can Cockatiels Eat Watermelon Leaves?
If we talk about watermelon leaves then we can say that their leaves are not perfect food for cockatiels. This is because; these leaves hold various compounds that can be most dangerous for their health. Even it can also pose many stomach problems.
Therefore, you should be keeping aware of their healthy-life. For this, always give preference of fresh watermelon without seeds. Whenever, you feel that any new eating item are not safe for your birds, then must be taken consult along with a skilled avian vet.
Can You Give Watermelon Seeds for Cockatiels to Eat?
Absolutely! You can offer watermelon seeds to your cockatiel parrots. But, most of time, we found that some new pet owner like to free seeds from watermelon to avoid choking problem.
As per parrot expert; you have just one problem with this fruit is its rind. This is because; generally their rind is painted with pesticides to keep staying fresh and healthy while growing duration.
If, your cockatiels like to eat watermelon seeds; it is OK, and you can feed seeds to them. But, ensure they are completely washed under warm water to remove any nasty pesticides.
Is Watermelon Juice Safe for My Cockatiel Birds?
Again we can say, yes! Watermelon juice is also safe one beverage stuff; it is made in home by you.
If you brought this juice from market, then ensure it is organic without any mixing sugar content.
To prepare homemade watermelon juice is easy task. For this, first eliminate its rind, and cut this fruit into small-sized pieces.
Now, these pieces place into blender and get turn on it. Then you will get fresh juice at home.
How Much Watermelon Should You Give Cockatiels?
As you know very well that watermelon fruit is fully packed with various beneficial compounds. But, you offer this fruit in lot of amount; then can be making negative impact.
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As per our parrot expert; your pet cockatiel has weight near about 100 grams. So, you can serve this bird 30 calories every day. Never exceed quantity of fruits and vegetables to 20-25% of daily receiving of calories.
As per experienced cockatiel owners; one small piece of watermelon fruit is enough in a week to pet pals.
How Do You Feed Watermelon to Cockatiel Pals?
First of all, you have to ensure that brought watermelon from market completely grown organically and fresh ones. These kinds of watermelon are most suitable for your cockatiels.
But, you haven’t any hard fact that let you identify either watermelon is grown organically or not. Therefore, after buying this fruit, wash it completely under running warm water properly.
Next, you have to go with cutting watermelon in to small-sized slices. This is because; your cockatiel easily could be adjusting them.
It would be best one; if you destroy all their seeds and rind as well. With doing this, its chocking problem can be reduced in them.
Keep remembering always that any fruits and vegetables should not exceed to 20-25% in your pet bird’s diet. This is the skilled vets opinions, not ours.
Final Words: Can Cockatiels Eat Watermelon?
Like as showing in this article; cockatiels do more enjoying in eat watermelon; and liking it more than other fruits. Ensure, watermelon feeding to them in moderation as gradually, one time in a week.
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Always keep minding, offering watermelon to cockatiels cut in small bite-sized. And at most possible, to eliminate all seeds and rind from watermelon fruits.
Do you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding on this? You can drop a comment!
Have a Nice Day!!