Parrot Expert COCKATIELS,DIET Can Cockatiels Eat Bananas? Everything You Need to Know

Can Cockatiels Eat Bananas? Everything You Need to Know

Banana is a one of popular fruit in over world that everyone does enjoying to eat. But, our main topic about ‘Can cockatiels eat bananas or not?’ How much quantity is safe for feeding them?

Resounding Yes! Banana is a best one fruit that your pet bird likes to eat. As researched report; this fruit has ton of nutrient benefits that help to make as nutritious feast for your feather pals.

Can Cockatiels Eat Bananas

For feeding bananas to cockatiels, you don’t need to do hard work. Just you have to peel them and serve right away to birds. For get more information regarding to offer bananas to cockatiels, keep staying here till end!

Like as other kinds of fruit; bananas are also safe feast to your cockatiels. This is because; they don’t contain any dangerous elements to them as long as feeding in little amount.

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As per dietary expert, this fruit has rich beneficial nutrients for their well health. This may include decent natural sugar and lot of fiber content as well.

Banana is such fruit that holds less calories and fat compounds that are just good for your pet birds of this less amount. Cockatiels don’t need fat and calories in their healthy diet. If, they consume lot of fat content then can result to liver infections; even can be fatal.

As told above that bananas have many useful nutritious element. Cockatiels have to need these nutritious to keep staying their well-health.

Bananas are fully loaded with several vitamins (A, C, and E), minerals (phosphorous, potassium, fibers, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, and copper), and other proteins.

This fruit also consists natural sugar in super amount. But, its less quantity is enough for your pet. Being a good cockatiel; you should be block its large quantity in their bodies; otherwise can be harmful.  Due to intake lot of sugar, your parrots can get over-weight, and other health problems.

Apart of this, bananas also have many antioxidant elements that give protection from free radicals.

We do agree that bananas are most nutritious and available every time in market. So, this doesn’t mean that you always offer one kind of fruit, rather than other ones. Always rotate each food one by one in their diet.

If we talk about serving bananas to cockatiels, then rich sugar content can be big concern. Therefore, always offer this fruit in less quantity. Keep minding that bananas are choked lot of sugar that can pose obesity problem, if intake excessively.

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Do Cockatiels Eat Bananas

So, always you have to apply moderation rule in feeding bananas to your feather pals. It is best to eliminate all uneaten parts of bananas after spending some hours. Otherwise, it can receive various bacteria and pests that can harmful for them.

As you know; all bird’s dietary needs are totally different to humans. With receiving rich sugar content, cockatiels can get many health problems. Therefore, always offering them well balanced healthy diet like as fresh bird pellets, veggies, gradually fruits feast, including bananas.

Still, you seem that your feather pals are feeling uncomfortable, then can take consultation with avian vet to meet their proper diet.

As per dietary expert; underripe bananas are not best one treat for cockatiels. They are in lot of starch that and indigestible fiber content.

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If, your pet bird intake it frequently, then it can get problem in gut. Sometime, they can show interest in eating underripe banana; but it will cause receive many hazards later.

Therefore, you always should prefer to feed overripe bananas to your birds; rather than underripe ones.

Banana Bread: We can’t consider bread as ideal food for your cockatiels. Although, if your pet bird eats it in small amount, then no get any bad impact on their health. Be carefully, mash properly bread to prevent the choking problem.

Banana Chips: Sorry! Don’t try to feed banana chips to cockatiel in their daily. They are not good food like as banana bread, but can be serving as occasionally. Always do crumble them properly to avoid chocking problem. At most time, always keep away store-bought chip from your pet birds.

Banana Shake: Of course! You can go with banana shake. But, one condition is that it should not prepare with using sugar, dairy, or any other ingredients. For giving this, you have to blend of brought ripe bananas with using of simple water. Keep minding; don’t add dairy milk in shake, because it is not easily digesting by cockatiels.

Dried Bananas: Cockatiels can do take enjoying in eating dried bananas. But, It is not proper clear that is good or not for them. This is because; dried bananas often hold many harmful compounds like as oils, spice, or other preservatives.

Still you will choose them to give cockatiels, ensure these are fully naturally without using any additives. But, you always give them only in moderation as occasionally to avoid any health problem.

As per dietary expert; for an adult cockatiel, 2-3 teaspoons of mashed bananas in everyday are safe to their diet. Whenever, your bird denies eating bananas then mix them with their favorite foods. As possible as; feeding this fruit them at the morning or before going to night, so that it can easily adjust.

Apart of this, even you can serve frozen bananas to them that keep staying them cool in summer duration. With doing this, you can also keep cool your birds and provide a mental satisfaction with eating this fruit ones.

We do accept that feeding bananas to cockatiels are not harmful. Still, it will be waste of time, if you give their leaves. This is because; even they don’t have any single nutritional profile for them.

If you are growing banana fruit at your garden; then your pet bird can do nibbling on their leaves, even can intake some portion of them. Therefore, always keep away your cockatiels from these leaves.

Now, you have completely known that banana fruits are perfect for cockatiels. But, next concern is that; what is the procedure of serving them to your birds? So that, they are easily digest their portion of fruit.

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Can Cockatiels Have Bananas

Always keep remembering that do offering bananas to them just as a good treat. Their feeding amount never to exceed 25% of your bird’s diet.

You can serve bananas in many forms like as frozen, fresh, or dehydrated. But, your first priority should be fresh fruit one. Ensure, properly peel off and cut bananas into small manageable bites.

For your feather pals, dehydrated bananas can also be a great choice. They are easily brought from at most pet stores.

As a good cockatiel owner; while giving bananas to birds, always keep eyes on their all activities with closely. Few cockatiels can get allergic hazards, if they intake lot of.

When, you seem that your feather pals feel some discomfort after consuming this fruit; then quickly stop feeding them. And visit your personal vet as soon as for their health recovery.

It even can happen that your pet bird not agreed to intake of bananas. At this time, don’t get confuse; you have also other great alternative that can be added in cockatiel’s diet.

Apple: Ensure, their all seeds are eliminated and offer with small-sized slices.

Berries: Many kinds of berries like as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries that are fully loaded with vitamins, minerals, and other antioxidant elements.

Grapes: Grapes are best one source of hydration, but given in moderation.

As technically, you can offer banana skin; but we can’t consider it for their well-health. Even, this fruit has not any bad element, still not perfectly for them. Other than, its skin can pose many stomach problems.

Banana fruits are safe thing for your feather birds as long as giving in moderation. Never give them every day, cause of having rich sugar content. As per dietary expert, it is enough amounts about 2-3 times in week for their healthy diet.

Absolutely! You can offer bananas to baby cockatiels, but not too much. Otherwise, they can receive many stomach problems, because their digestive system is still developing.

As result of this article; if you give fresh and peeled bananas to cockatiels with some amount in every weeks, then it can be considering as safe feast.

Ensure, this fruit is completely washed and cut into small-sized slices with removing peel.

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As per our dietary expert; if you serve banana with mashed; then it may be a best choice for young or sick cockatiels.

Do you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding on this? You can drop a comment!

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