Do you have any conure parrot that bites? Yes, then it would be wise, if you eliminate this conures biting problem in the bud. Many things that can help you let train your parrot not to bite. It is first and foremost of them that you will never punish your bird, if conures bite you.
If you are new owner of a conure, then you may don’t aware of this biting issue in birds. Don’t get panic! Keep consistency on this article, then it will work for you to solve conures biting problem step by step.
On playing time with conures, if suddenly they bite you finger. Now, what will you do immediately? Most of people try to release own finger from bird with pulling. It can be a bad thing for you and your conure. Little knowledge can be dangerous for you, so read this post till end. After that, you will realize, it was a easy way to stop biting behaviour of conure.
Why Do Conures Bite to Owners or Handlers?
At most time, we found that conure get start to bit at once. Behind of this biting, they may feel more scare, aggression, do protection their nest, and beaking as well. Each one, we will explain for you:
Getting More Fear
As similar other animals, birds also feel more fear suddenly. Yes, we accept that wild life of parrots is well. Still, due to many parameters, they can get fearful; one is their living areas that are prone to predators.
Then, one concern is how to protect themselves from them. Therefore, they do use their hard beaks and claws. But, some birds of them are wiser to protect themselves, will choose to fly besides of making fight with predators.

If, we talk about conures, they feel more fear at this situation. That is why; they always use their beaks to safe themselves.
More Aggressive
If you think so that your pet bird is not scaring you, then its beak also can use to show affection.
Now, proceed ahead!!
Another cause of their biting nature, can also aggression. Including other birds, conures are also aggressive. But, most of time, this aggression occur when they do protection from boredom, stress, territory, or homonal fluxes.
Your conures may get more aggressive while protecting their area, this may males; if both are staying same cage.
Another cause of aggression can be found, when they are under the breeding season. As the parrot experts, during breeding season, many canure’s male become very aggressive.
Sometime, if conures haven’t enough playtime; then they will feel more stress and bored. It can resulting as aggression.
Keep Protecting Their Nest
Other than of these cause, conure parrots do also put up a well to safe their nest from assailant. At this time, if they bit you as being protective nature; don’t be shocked.
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This is why it happens, because conures will perceive you like as a predator. Therefore, at this stage, they will bite may your finger to give protection of its nest from you. Many parrot owners tell, this kind of biting nature to be stopped when breeding season will complete.
Discomfort Environment
Cage positioning always should be nearby you. That is why; conure easily could do talk and see you as family.
Being as conure owners, should be known that this bird feels more fear the loud sound. Therefore, conure’s cage always keep away from such location, where not making a constant noise pollution (like road traffic).
Insufficient Sleep
As researched report, healthy parrots have to need 10-12 hours of sleep in a day. At most possible, should give a noise free area for sleeping your pet.
Whenever, your conure haven’t a well sleep, and then it may be moody and intolerant in waking hours. If your conures take naps during its sleep time; don’t worry! It is common behaviour of them. As per a skilled vet, your parrots require the 12 hours asleep and same time for awaking.
As good pet owners, you should be keep eyes all time on your parrots. If you seem that conure is getting a difficulty to asleep; then quickly watch, it may has night fear. If yes, then bring its cage in calm area.
Conure Bite Force PSI Chart
OH sure! First, we hope that you may knew about conures come in small to medium-sized parrots. Therefore, conure’s bite force is not constant, rather may vary depending on the species and individual bird.
Also Read: African Grey Bite with Their Causes, Prevention, & Training
Here, we accumulated a basic chart that showing the approximate bite force for some common conure species:
Conure Species | Bite Force (PSI) |
Green-Cheeked Conure | 200-300 PSI |
Sun Conure | 250-350 PSI |
Nanday Conure | 300-400 PSI |
Jenday Conure | 300-400 PSI |
Blue-Crowned Conure | 350-450 PSI |
Patagonian Conure | 400-500 PSI |
How Can I Stop Conures Biting? Yes, Here Explaining
Here, we will try to show many effective methods that helping to stop conure from biting. You can apply them with cheerfully.
Let’s get starting!
What are the reasons the behind of this? Firstly, you should be aware of. This kind of problems can be occurred in many situations like as fear in alone, breeding time, health issues or other playing activities.
Firstly, spend more time to identify their behavior. When you will be expert in which, then can apply effective technique to control conure’s biting behavior. .
As Possible, Apply Fast
When you seem that your parrot is doing to bit frequently at many occasions. It would not wise, if you do delay before turning into a habit.
It will be make big concern, if your conure gets used this behavior frequently. Now, this bird feels that it is not punishment for it.
If you do something fastest with accurate way, then conure parrot will feel that biting is not good thing.
Doing too delay to apply or ignoring, conure seem that is good thing. This is why; conure will adopt it throughout their life.
Never Loudly Shout at Conure
One is the first and best thing that comes in mind; show your painful expression with shouting at the front of your bird, whenever you’re pet bites you.
Dear folks, don’t apply this wasteful things!
This is because, while showing your pain, conure takes this as your weakness point. Your parrot will feel that it is winner, and continue biting for dominating you when you.
This is a simplest thing, never shout when conure bit you suddenly. Just control your precious emotions, and bring back into their cage.
Quickly Keep Away
Once put your conure into its cage, and immediately keep away after this.
Experienced parrot owners guided that after putting bird in cage and cover it.
Applying this, your naughty conures felt that happened something wrong, because no one bird wish to keep in the cage.
When you do perform this as regularly, then your conure will easily realize its fault. And, further it has a less chance to bit
What Should I Do If My Conure Bites Me?
When your conure bites you suddenly, then on same time; don’t show angry expression. Just keep calm.
Also Read: Where Do Parrots Live? Exploring Their Diverse Habitats
Keeping mind, never should jerk your finger, and pull your conure to remove it. Otherwise, your bird can get injury. If you do this, then may conure can bite harder again.
Whenever this situation does occur, then don’t do anything, just keep still. At normally, your lovely conure free it grip. Now, easily bring back your hand.
While biting by conure and you get any harmful wound. Clean this wound properly with antibacterial soap to stop spreading any infection.
Keep always monitor this wound until it heals.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
How Can I Tell If My Conure Is About to Bite?
As good pet owners, must understanding all minor to major behaviors of you birds. Some common indications (fluffed feathers, pinned eyes, and an open beak), if you seem that even one of them showing. Now you can predict that your conure may bite you. By recognizing these signs, you can easily devoid bird’s bite.
Is It Normal For Conures to Bite When They Are Young?
Resounding yes! As a US avian report, young conures have curiosity to explore new environment by using their beak with biting behaviors.
Is It Possible to Train a Conure Not to Bite?
Once again answer is yes! You have some possibilities that helping you let train a conure not to bite. Each one already explained above in this article.
Should I Punish My Conure for Biting?
When your conure bite you any time, then same time don’t try to punishment it. Otherwise, conure feels more fear and change in very aggressive mood.
Are Green Cheek and Sun Conures Also Biting So Much?
Yes, we accept that Green Cheek and Sun Conures may also bite of their owner. But, this will happen, when they get more stressed, scared, or untrained. By giving proper training to stop biting behavior and can reduce the risk of biting.
Final Remarks
Now we have reached at the ending of article. Therefore, we can understand that conure owners have to feel frustrating and painful of conure biting behavior.
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Although, with understanding all causes ‘why do conures bite?’ and then apply proper strategies; you can devoid the biting problem of your pet bird. We know that it is not easy, but you can make easy it with your positive affords
Do you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding on this? You can drop a comment!
Have a Nice Day!!