Parrot Expert DIET Can Parrots Eat Bell Peppers? Guide for Parrot Owners

Can Parrots Eat Bell Peppers? Guide for Parrot Owners

Can Parrots Eat Bell Peppers? Guide for Parrot Owners

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Calories              31 kcal
Water  ~92%
Carbohydrates 6 g
Sugar    4.2 g
Fiber    2.1 g
Protein1 g
Fat         0.3 g
Vitamin A           157 µg (18% DV)
Vitamin C           127 mg (140% DV)
Vitamin K1         4.9 µg (5% DV)
Vitamin B6         0.3 mg (15% DV)
Folate (B9)         46 µg (12% DV)
Potassium          211 mg (6% DV)
Calcium               10 mg (1% DV)
Magnesium       12 mg (3% DV)
Iron       0.4 mg (2% DV)

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Bell Pepper TypeColorTaste & Benefits
Green Bell Pepper               GreenSlightly bitter, less sugar, higher fiber and antioxidants
Red Bell Pepper               RedSweetest, rich in Vitamin A & C, and  other minerals
Yellow Bell Pepper               YellowMildly sweet, lot of Vitamin C & Folate support in cell growth
Orange Bell Pepper               OrangeSlightly sweet, loaded with Beta-carotene & Antioxidants
Purple Bell Pepper               PurpleContains Anthocyanins (powerful antioxidants)
White Bell Pepper               WhiteMild flavor, contains antioxidants and essential nutrients
Can parrots eat bell peppers

It is not difficult task to serve bell pepper for your parrots. With following some instruction, you can achieve it with ease:

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First of all, wash thoroughly of bell peppers to remove all pesticides or other harmful elements. If you don’t do this, then it can be harmful for your parrot’s health.

Once done it; you have to need cut your bell peppers into small-sized that easily adjust by parrots. If your parrot is young, then their slices must be too tiny that not having any choking problems.

As told you above; bell pepper seeds are not toxic to your chirpy birds. Still, you can destroy them to prevent any choking issues.

Sure! Parrots can intake cayenne peppers, without any health issues! They don’t get feeling the spiciness and receive from Vitamin A, C, and antioxidants.

As resulting of this article; we can say that bell peppers are also best one treat for your parrots. This is because; they offer many important nutrients that help to keep staying your parrot’s well health and happiness.

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As told you that many kinds of bell peppers are available in the market, but you have prime duty to find best one in the among of them. Once located it; don’t feed them straight forward to your chirpy birds.

First, you have to take proper consultation with your personal avian vets. If they give green signal for giving them to your parrots, then you can offer peppers to them.

Do you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding on this? You can drop a comment!

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