Are you new conure owner? You have not enough feeding knowledge for your feathered buddy. At this condition, you may wonder that what kinds of foods are suitable for conure birds. What about watermelon; ‘Can conures eat watermelon or not?’ If yes, how much its size is OK for them?
First we will tell you in short, YES! Feeding watermelon is safe thing for your conure birds. Although, many essential things are associated with their feeding guidelines that you should be aware of them. For knowing them, keep staying it till end!
Don’t confuse about this! Through this post, we will solve your all queries related with feeding watermelon to conure and more. After that, you can take well decision about offering this fruit is good option or not for your chirpy birds.
Is Watermelon Safe for Conures to Eat?
As per opinion of dietary expert; watermelon is a good option to feed your conure as feast. This is because; this fruit holds much beneficial nutrition such as vitamins, minerals, and other helpful antioxidants.
Conure parrot mostly like to nibble sweet foods, watermelon is one of them. Other than, they also help to keep staying them as hydrated.
Although, always keep remembering that feeding watermelon in small amount as moderation. As you know; this fruit contain water content in super quantity.

For this reason, it can post diarrhea problem, if consumed lot of. Ensure, serving piece of watermelon is free from seeds, otherwise can arise choking problem.
Nutritional Benefits of Watermelon for Conure Birds
As told above, watermelon is an suitable fruit for conure parrots. This fruit is not just support to keep hydrating, rather than also offer various helpful compounds for their well-health. Let’s dive in them and explain one by one!
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First and most important element that is water content; its presence is about 90-95% in them. Most of time, wild birds do more hard work to looking enough water, mainly in summer duration. Therefore, here watermelon can be a best of one option to stay hydrating them.
Next benefit is their offering vitamin like as A and C. As per researched report; vitamin C is most essential to keep healthy conure’s immune system and eye-vision health. Other than, vitamin A helps to contribute to improve their skin health.
However, watermelons contain fiber content, but not rich amount. Still, its quantity is enough to keep maintaining their digestive system.
Last one is antioxidant compounds! They are existed super amount in these fruits such as lycopene and beta-carotene. By receiving them, conures always keep away from oxidative stress.
Bad Impacts of Watermelon to Conures
Dear folks! As you read above; watermelons have many positive things for your chirpy birds. So, this doesn’t mean that you haven’t need to aware of their potential risks. Here, you will know their all bad impact of feed watermelon to conure, if intake too much.
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As you know; watermelon is a sweet texture fruit. Therefore, it has naturally sugar in super amount that is not good for your pet. We even know that naturally sugar content is super best to processed sugar. Still, if conure receive this naturally sugar in large size, then can arise obesity and metabolic hazards.
Next one is pesticide that is common like as other fruits. When you brought watermelon from nearby market, then many may be presenting on their surface. If, conures intake them with its flesh; then stomach can be upset.
As you surprised, if we tell you that their seeds are not considered as poison. You can serve their seeds, but with gridding; not as its form. Otherwise, conures can get choking problem, especially small-sized parrots.
As told above; they are in 90% water content. Its higher amount water can make big concern as watery stools and diarrhea; if conure eats them in too much.
Can Conures Have Watermelon Seeds?
You can shock with hearing our answer, YES! Along with thier flesh, seeds also hold many vitamins and mineral as well.
As per our parrot experts; conure parrots lot of love to eat seeds.
After all; we also do agree that their seeds are an perfect feast, if given with grinding.
Can Conures eat Watermelon Rind Safely?
Even, all parts of watermelon are safe for conure to eat. Still, we will always guide you let conure keep always from their rind. Many chemical elements and pesticides are presented on their surfaces that are harmful for conures.
If you wash them properly, still keep stays some contaminated with pesticides. Tiny particles of this chemical can be pose many issue in conure’s health.
How Much Watermelon is Safe for Conures to Eat?
As per avian dietary expert; just little amount is sufficient for conures like as 1-2 slice in a week
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After that, should be rotating their diet with other foods in remaining of day in week.
If, your feather buddies more demand of slice of fruit for eating; still you should not accept their demand.
Keep minding; its defined quantity doesn’t exceed; otherwise many problems can be posed in conures.
No more than once a week is the perfect amount of watermelon for your conure.
Can Green Cheek and Sun Conures Also Eat Watermelon?
If you have any species of conure like as green cheek or sun conure, still can feed watermelon both safely. Keep minding, offering amount of watermelon should be little as moderation.
These both species can also receive their nutrition benefits including, vitamin, minerals and other antioxidants.
Always serve watermelon in small sized manageable pieces. It would be wise, if you give them as gradually feast rather than a regular part of their diet.
Always ensure the fruit is fresh, clean, and pesticide-free for your conure’s safety.
Signs Your Conure Enjoys Watermelon
As you know very well; conure birds are most playful and curious nature. They will develop straight forward indication, if do enjoying with any food. These signs may be:
First one is! If conure take interest in any fruit or veggies then tends to run as seeing them. And then, quickly starting to nibble them.
Being a good conure owner; you should know their some behavior indications. Whenever, your birds produce soft chirping noise with eating, which means they are content.
How Do You Feed Watermelon to Conure Birds?
Till now, even you would know that watermelon is safest fruit as long as feeding to conure in moderation with slowly. If you are willing to keep well-health of your conure; then should aware of their some feeding guidelines:
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Let’s we begin step by step!
If you have taken decision to serve watermelon for conure; then always opt organically grown watermelons. This is because; these kinds of watermelons have fewer risks of pesticides and other chemicals.
After bringing watermelons from market; you have to wash them properly under warm water to remove all pesticides. These fruits come even from as organically, still washing process will be applicable.
Proceed to next step!
Free seeds from their flesh part to eliminate chocking issue in birds. Although, they consist many beneficial content, still this problem can be persist in small sized birds.
Now, cut watermelon into small bite-sized that conure can easily adjust them without any hazards.
Finally, you can give their small slices at room temperature. This temperature will keep staying their all nutrients in them.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Can Conures Have All Types of Melons?
Of course! At most all kinds of melon are safe food for conure like as cantaloupe and honeydew. But, feeding guidelines will be applying on them, including destroy seeds & rind, offer in moderation, and wash properly.
What Should I Do if My Conure Intakes Lot Of Watermelon?
As a good parent of conure; you always keep eyes on their all activities while feeding watermelon. When your pet shows any adverse signs like as stomach upset or loose stooling. Then immediately stop offering them, and call quickly your personal vet.
Can Watermelon Juice be Given to Conures?
As per our opinions; always your first preference should fruit’s flesh slice rather than juice form. This is because; juice has less amount of fiber content than fruit one. Other than, it also contains sugar content in super amount as compared to fruit. Therefore, it can’t suitable food for your conure’s health.
Conclusion: Can Conures Eat Watermelon?
As result of this article; watermelon is a safe and delicious feast to your pet buddy as long as giving in decent amount.
This is fruit is best one in summer days, because it keep staying good hydrating. This is because; watermelon has 92% water content of its whole body.
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When you seem that your feathered buddy is showing interest in this fruit for nibbling, then serve it. But, before serving their pieces, ensure they are free from seeds and rind.
Do you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding on this? You can drop a comment!
Have a Nice Day!!