By having juicy texture, many people and animals love to eat orange fruit. If you are a new conure owner, and more confusing about “Can conures eat oranges?” Don’t worry for this! Here we will show you their all abilities of having oranges.
In short answer is yes! But, feeding orange to conure bird safer as long as offered in moderation as infrequently.
Behind of this feeding science many reasons, on which you have to pay more attention. How much amount and how often is enough this orange to your feather companions. To get all possible answers of these concerns, keep reading it continuously.
Is Oranges Good for Conures?
This goes without saying that orange is most perfect fruit one for your conures and you as well. This is why; we can’t underestimate their goodness value and delicious taste.
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This has yummy juicy texture that can stun their mood. For this reasons, your pet birds love to intake orange fruit.
Benefits of Giving Oranges for Conures
As shown above that oranges are good fruit for your conure’s well-health. But, how is it possible? Here, we will tell you all certain nutrition benefits of this fruit. Just keep reading carefully it.
First and major thing is fiber content that is presented in orange in decent amount.
Like as, human’s diet; same as fiber needs into your conure’s fresh diet. By receiving fiber, its gut works well manner.
Second of all are antioxidants that also loaded in oranges with rich quantity.
As per researched report; antioxidant compounds avoid to makeup of free radicals in bird’s cell. By the time, if this doesn’t it, then get damage them over time.

If, we do talk about vitamins, then vitamin C that is available in large volume in this best one fruit.
Besides of vitamins, specific minerals are also installed in right ways.
As we know that calcium is most necessary for well muscle and bone’s health. Therefore, to complete this need, you can give orange that called the powerhouse of calcium elements.
Second is another most important mineral is potassium. This helps to execute many functions of blood and immune system.
Now, you can say that we are right about telling for orange to your conure parrot’s good health in right ways.
What Are Bad Impact of Feeding Oranges to Conures?
By knowing orange’s importance, never should ignore their bad concerns. The moderation is important factor in feeding oranges to your conures.
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For making of good parents of conure, keep eye deeply on their all eatable foods. Here, our main focus is orange that comes in the citrus fruits.
Like as we know that orange is totally packed with acerbity. If you’re lovely parrot intake this acerbity in too much, then arise several bad things for them.
At most time, we found gastrointestinal upset and diarrhea problem in conures, due to grab citric acid; which of presence in large amount in orange fruit.
Other than, conure’s liver can also damage by them.
Therefore, it would be wise, if give oranges in moderation to your pet buddy. At the initially time, offer in less quantity as infrequently. When you seem that they are doing adjust them easily, then increase its amount slowly.
Another problem is sugar content, although its amount is not too much in orange. If, at any time your pet bird consume orange with large quantity in your absence.
And this activity is going on frequently many days; then sugar will increase in your conure’s body. As result of this, weight increase that means obesity problem can pose in them.
To overcome this problem, you always keep monitor on your conure’s diet be carefully.
Can Conures Eat Orange Peel?
Hmm! Not clear, but can say; they can intake orange’s peel. If, they do it, then don’t get any big achievement.
As per dietary expert; peels hold few nutrients. But not lot of than fruit’s flesh.
As conure’s owners say; this bird has friendly nature. Therefore; they can like to eat peels with any one reason.
Overall, we can say that orange’s peels are usually safe for your chirpy buddy. So you don’t worry from this side.
Can Conures Eat Orange Seeds?
As technically, your conures can consume orange’s seeds. But, as per our expert; we don’t suggest to offer these seeds to them.
This is because; orange’s seed holds the cyanogenic compounds; but in less amount. They do produce the cyanide while metabolizing.
At most possible, you let conure keep away from orange seeds. This is good for their well-health.
Apart of this; as you know that seeds are hard texture in nature. For this reason, sometime may arise choking problem in them.
How to Safely Feed Oranges to Conures?
It will not bad, if you want to offer orange to your conures. But, you have to do this safely and with responsibility.
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Here are some important tips that help to feed orange for your feather companions.
Let’s go with them!
First of all, wash the orange thoroughly to eliminate any pesticides or chemicals from the surface.
Orange peel and seeds never consider as good food. Therefore, you have to free from them, before giving orange to your pet feather buddy.
Once you have done both instructions!
Next, go ahead for cutting them into small thumb-size pieces. When you do this properly, then conure easily adjust these slices. Always keep eyes on their portion of its diet and avoid over-consumption.
Keep minding! Orange feeding quantity never lot of than their daily diet. Just offer this fruit as occasional treat with slowly.
While feeding oranges to your conure, always keep monitor their all activities. If you seem that some bad signs are developing like as digestive upset or allergic; then stop quickly. And then talk your personal avian veterinarian for their health.
If you feel that your feather buddies don’t like to eat orange, but you want to feed them. Then, you can combine orange with their preference foods. Now, conures consume this fruit as with own food.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Can Green Cheek Conures Eat Oranges?
Of course! Greek cheek conures do take more interest in eating orange, till given in moderation. Causes of many beneficial elements make it a perfect feast for your feather buddies.
Can Orange Juice Be Given to Conures?
It would not be wiser, if you offer orange juice to your conure. Behind of this reason; in juice form of this fruit has more acidity and sugar content; but less the fiber compound. Still, wanna to serve juice, then ensure it proper diluted and small amount.
Can Sun Conures Have Oranges Safely?
As already explained above that orange fruit is a suitable feast for conure and its species, include sun conure, as long as fed in decent quantity. By having orange, sun conure parrots can easily many vitamins and minerals in lot of volume.
How Many Oranges Can A Conures Eat?
As per dietary expert; this fruit one is safe as long as serving one or two little slice in every two days. While giving oranges to conures; always observes all positive and negative activates.
What Should I Do If My Conure Doesn’t Like Oranges?
It is not a big concern, if your birds don’t give preference to orange for eating. This is common for all birds, because all one has own personal liking. You have other best alternatives like as berries, apples, or papaya.
Conclusion: Can Conures Eat Oranges?
As read this article; Feeding oranges to conure is a good things. But, just ensure that its offering amount in limit as occasionally. Otherwise, it can make fatal for them.
Keep minding that never should give juice as its drinking water. Still you wish to serve it, then before it, eliminate all seeds and peels; and give in little amount.
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Have a Nice Day!!