Cockatiels such bird that like to consume different kinds of fruits in the forest. But, they eat them not forcefully, rather doing enjoy having fruits as well. This is why; most of fruits are loaded with several important vitamins, minerals, and other moisture. As per dietary expert, you must make up around 20–25% of your bird’s diet with fresh fruits. Have you wondered about feeding of apples? Can cockatiels eat apples? If yes, then how much quantity is ok?
In short, our answer is absolutely yes. As per researched report, apple comes in the list of perfect foods for cockatiels that is from nervous system protection to fiber supplementation. Although, never give apple to them as whole one. This is because; apple has seeds inside that can be poisonous for your pet. Therefore, free from seed this fruit one, cut into small slices then feed them to your birds.
Where are going you from here, little knowledge is harmful for your cockatiels. Today, from this post, we will explore all important nutritional benefits of apples; as well as covering all feeding guidelines to your cockatiel. Let’s come start!
Is Apples Safe for Cockatiels?
Our answer in straight forward is, yes! Apple fruit is most nutritious and well-healthy feast for your buddy. This is because; apples hold lot of many beneficial elements.
As per dietary expert, this fruit is amazing horsepower of vitamin A, C and other helpful fiber as well. Apple is good option to keep weight management, cause of having less calories content.

With consuming apple’s skin, cockatiel can grab antioxidants in rich amount.
We accept that your pet can intake apple entirely, but being a wiser parrot owner; ensure apple’s size is not big, if it is then cut into small slices.
Nutritional Benefits of Apples for Cockatiels to Eat
As told above, apple is delicious fruit with having many nutrition elements. Here, we will detail about their loaded important vitamins, minerals, and fiber content as well.
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Let’s start with vitamins! This fruit is great option for giving vitamins A, C, & K to your pet buddy. Each element of vitamins have own special feature.
For example; vitamin A is helpful for vision and improving immunity. Vitamin C helps to produce collagen. As well as, for bone well-health and blood clotting, vitamin plays own special role.
Next is Minerals! Apples contain many beneficial minerals like as potassium, calcium, and phosphorus.
Potassium supports to regulate the blood pressure and maintain the fluid balance.
If you are experienced pet bird owner, then you already know about calcium that contributes to good bone management.
Other than, next one is phosphorus that is important for energy metabolism and the formation of their teeth as well.
Last one is fiber! As per skill avian dietary, apple is also considering a best pillar of fiber content. Therefore, this fruit is best one to improve digestive system. Besides of this, fiber content aids to devoid the constipation.
Other than, this fruit has also many antioxidant compounds that give protection from several diseases.
Bad Impact of Apples to Cockatiels
There are a few risks associated with feeding apples to cockatiels.
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We hope that you have fully aware about their all positive things. But, it doesn’t mean that apple has not any risk for your chirpy buddy. Here you will get to know about their bad concerns. Read carefully it!
The seeds are also internal part of apple. As per other cockatiels owners, must be eliminated seed before feeding it. This is because; apple’s seeds hold cyanide named poisonous element that may pose many health issues in them.
Yes! We believe that apple’s seeds haven’t this dangerous stuff in rich amount. Still, it would be wise to remove seeds then offer apple to cockatiel.
Apple fruit contains the naturally sugar in too much. Although, sugar will not lead any negative impact, if birds intake in small quantity.
By consuming sugar in super amount, obesity, diabetes, and other hazards can be arising on your cockatiels. Therefore, always keep aware of about feeding apple to them.
Apart of this, this fruit has another version of sugar as named sorbitol. With the reason of this element, your birds can suffer with diarrhea problem, if eat too much. Therefore, it is a best to give less amount of sorbitol element.
How Much quantity is Safe to Give Your Cockatiel?
As per researched report; if you have average sized cockatiel, then 1 piece of apple after two days is enough amount.
Like as all other fruits, large quantity of any types of food is not recommended. So, same rule is acceptable with apple for feeding your birds.
This should be offered to them as a snack after removing the seeds. For smaller birds, the quantity should be less, and you feed it to them once a week.
Dear folk! If you have another smaller sized bird than average; then offers one slice of apple in a week. Don’t exceed this amount; otherwise any kinds of health problem can be done them.
Can Cockatiels Have Green Apples?
Resounding answer is yes! Green apples are also most suitable for your cockatiel’s health.
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In the market, several varieties of apple is available. But, it is the best one to your birds, if opt to softer version.
Some kinds of apple are very tough, and present both an extra chore in chewing it up and an added choking risk.
Several versions of apple are in very tough texture. For chewing them, need extra chore and may occur choking problem as well.
Can Cockatiels Intake Red Apples Easily?
Once again our answer is yes! Red apples also come in safe version of apple.
But, first you should be known that red apples are tougher as compare to green one. Still, red versions are more eminent due to its delicious taste.
Green types apple are easily found your nearest super market. As well as, they have more palatable than red one.
That said, as long as you deseed and chop it up, virtually any variety of apple is totally safe for your cockatiel.
But, as per cockatiel owners, as long as you eliminate seed and chop it up; then most probability all varieties of apple are out of danger zone.
Can Cockatiels Eat Apple Skin?
Of course! Apple’s skin contains many useful nutritious like as it fruit one. Cockatiels are most of one bird that do enjoying to eat apple’s skin very well. Therefore, it is best to offer apple slices with its skin to them.
Now, when next time you will give apples to your pet, then serve them with skin. But, must be release of seeds and wash properly under running water; before giving them.
This is because; many harmful pesticides and other chemical are present on apple’s peel.
Is Apples Toxic for Cockatiels?
Oho! This question can come in new cockatiel owner that ‘Are apples toxic or not for cockatiel?’
Our decent answer, no!
Already, we explained that apple has pack a punch of beneficial vitamins and minerals. Still, this fruit converts into dangerous one; if you don’t apply their feeding guidelines.
As simple as, apple is safe one fruit till serve it with taking off skin and release of seeds properly.
Last one; thoroughly wash properly under warm water to eliminate all harmful elements that are presence on their surface.
Can I Give Apples to My Baby Cockatiels?
As per our expert; it should not recommend to serve apple to baby cockatiels. This is because; their digestive system still growing, so not able to swallow this sweet fruit one.
On this their tender age, you always should priority to feed mother’s milk or fresh hay.
Once they do adult, as per their preference; you can serve boiled eggs and other useful insects.
How Do You Prepare Apples for Cockatiels?
When it comes to feeding apples to your cockatiel, it’s essential to prepare them properly to ensure your bird’s safety and health. Here are some tips for preparing apples for your cockatiel:
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Apple is a best one fruit; as long as, you serve it to your pet bird with properly feeding instructions. As per avian dietary expert, you must be following some rule with feeding apple to them.
First one is properly washing Apples! Before giving slices of apple to them, ensure they are wash perfectly. With doing this, all harmful pesticides and chemical will free from them.
Being wiser pet owner always opts such apples that are growing as organically. With using of this one fruit, have less risk of any pesticides.
If, you have done it properly, now ready to next one.
This one is to take off peel and release of seed from apple.
But, explained above to give apple with its skin. Don’t confuse here for this.
Yes! It is acceptable, but sometime any kind of apple’s skin can be tough to your bird. So, they can get difficulty to digest it. For this, most of time, you have to prefer taken off peel apple.
As well as, should remove of seeds before feeding apple to your feather buddy. Otherwise, it can also pose another chocking problem.
Once completed these steps, go ahead to final one.
Here, we will advise you to cut apple into bite-size pieces that easily digest. Keep minding, slice’s sizes are depending on bird’s size.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
How Will I Know If My cockatiel Likes Apples?
Initially, don’t try to feed apples too much, because if birds deny them, then it will be waste. Serve small quantity with observing bird’s reaction. If you feel that your buddy showing interest in eating them, then you can give more; but in moderation.
Can Cockatiels Drink Apples Juice?
Yes, apple juice is a safe stuff for cockatiel to intake. Birds have mood like as human beings, sometime they can’t agree to eat any fruit. Now, you can offer apple juice to them as occasionally.
What Should I Do If My Cockatiel Accidentally Eats Apple Seed?
Firstly, keep remember, apple’s seeds always should out of reach from your cockatiels. Still, they intake seed by mistake, then keep monitor their signs, if developing like as difficulty in breathing, lethargy, or any changing in behaviour. Don’t make delay, instantly call your personal avian vet for treatment.
Can Cockatiels Consume Cooked Apples?
Again our reply, yes! You can serve cooked apples to your pet bird. Ensure, this cocked fruit has not any additional sugar, spices, or other ingredients. After cooking apple, they convert into softer texture that easy to eat.
Can Dried Apples Be Given to Cockatiels?
Dried apples are also a suitable feast for your bird. But like as other fresh one, this dried version’s offering amount also should be decent with occasionally. Keep minding, this dried stuff is always free of sugars, preservatives, and other additives.
Closer: Can Cockatiels Eat Apples?
Now, we hope that you have get to know answer of your query ‘Can cockatiels eat apples?‘ Of course, you can serve apples to them, due to having lot of nutritious.
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Although, before giving this fruit, you have to need more carefully. Like explained above, properly washing, free from seeds, and then cut into bite-sized.
But, one thing you never forget that is feeding apple in descent amount and with infrequently.
Have a Nice Day!