Being cockatiel owners should be aware that all fruits are not safe for your cockatiel pets. Every fruits have own unique feature. Therefore, it would not be wise that you feed all fruit to your bird without knowing their positive and negative aspects. Therefore, it is good question for every cockatiel parents that you are firing about ‘Can cockatiels eat oranges or not.
The answer in short, yes! As per experts, orange fruits can be fed to your cockatiels, but in little amount. Do you have own pet cockatiel at your house? If yes, then you have primary duty to give them a varied diet including fresh fruits, veggies, and hays.
Where are you going, this article just for you. Here, we will discover this citrus fruit and either it is safe for your pet or not; as well as which parts of orange fruits are suitable for them.
What Are Benefits of Oranges for Cockatiels?
First tell you, oranges are loading with many nutritional contents like as vitamins, fibre, and calories.
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Perhaps, you know that oranges are amazing source of vitamin C that assure of good immune function of your pet. Other than, they also helping out to discard the free radicals, can reason of diseases.
Oranges also pose the vitamin B that get a positive influence on their nerve tissues; as well as helping in carbohydrate metabolism.
This vitamin also helps to keep abnormal skin changes away. Many pet owners also believed that vitamin B support for antibody production, and even maintaining the healthy bones at possible.

One is another important nutrient is also present in oranges that is vitamin A. It helps to provide the well condition to your pet’s skin, as well helping to produce the epithelial cells.
Instead of this, oranges are in vitamin D, but in less quantity. This vitamin helps to contribution for absorption and utilization of your pet’s calcium.
Oranges have also fibre dietary content that helps to make good digestibility of nutrients.
As a proved research, calories are vital mineral that give energy to your bird in whole day. Therefore, oranges can a good fruit for cockatiels, because they consist the super high calories; but not having the sodium, fat, or cholesterol.
Sugar content is also present on this fruit that can easily digest; as well keeping to activate the digestive enzymes.
Nutrition Facts of Oranges for Cockatiel
Here’s showing the nutrition facts of oranges that specifically tailored for a cockatiel’s dietary needs. The values are based on a standard serving size of 100 grams of fresh orange.
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Nutrient | Amount Per 100g |
Calories | 47 kcal |
Water | 86.75 g |
Protein | 0.94 g |
Total Fat | 0.12 g |
Carbohydrates | 11.75 g |
Fiber | 2.4 g |
Sugars | 9.35 g |
Vitamin C | 53.2 mg |
Vitamin A | 225 IU |
Vitamin B1 | 0.087 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.06 mg |
Folate | 30 µg |
Potassium | 181 mg |
Calcium | 40 mg |
Magnesium | 10 mg |
Phosphorus | 14 mg |
Negative Concerns of Feeding Cockatiel Oranges
We accept that oranges are delicious and healthy fruit for your bird, but still having many risks. Let’s read continuously?
First Concern is Orange Seeds
Keep remembering that their seeds aren’t completely toxic things, but they also don’t in good. Sometimes, cockatiels do more hard work to digest orange’s seeds.
For this reason, they can get chocking problems, especially in small-sized parrots. Some other fruits have the pits, instead of seeds. But, pits are safe your cockatiel parrots, like as watermelon seeds.
By knowing this reason, it would be wise to eliminate the seeds, before offering oranges. Being cockatiel parents, can apply same principle on all other fruit that having seeds.
Too Much Sugar Content is Another Concern
As like other fruits, oranges also have sugar content in super high amount. Therefore, your pet parrots should intake sugar in limit quantity and only serve it as gradually. Otherwise, obesity problem can arise in your cockatiel parrots.
High Acidity Concern
These fruits consist super high the acidic that are more harmful for bird’s digestive system. If, your cockatiel consumes oranges in large amount, they can pose stomach upset, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal problems.
Can Cockatiels Have Orange Peels Safely?
The answer is yes, orange peels are safe for cockatiels; till feeding them in less quantity. The orange’s peels have the useful compound that is d-limonene. With consuming them, your bird’s feathers get healthy and shinier.
Apart of this, the peel also provides the fiber in rich amount. As told above that fiber content helps keep well your pet’s digestive system functioning properly.
Keep remembering again, if you want to give peels then cut them into small thumb-sized.
Otherwise, your cockatiel can get many digestive problems. While feeding orange peel, ensure that thoroughly wash them in warm water to remove any pesticide residue.
Can Cockatiels Have Orange Juice?
As a researched report, orange juice does have citric acid in rich volume as compares to other parts of orange. Other than, it is also loaded calories and sugar in super high amount.
Therefore, before going to serve juice to your cockatiel, ensure it is diluted or not with water.
Always choose the natural orange juice instead of processed orange juice, because it contains many additives and higher concentrations of sugars.
Best Types of Oranges for Your Cockatiels
When you take decision, which kinds of oranges are best for your birds. Now, you have to pay attention on their versions that are fresh, free from pesticides, and mostly preferably organic. Here are some of the best types of oranges you can offer to your cockatiels:
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Navel oranges come in seedless version and having thick skin that easily to peel. Most of parrot owners like them, due to their sweetness and juicy nature. Their lacking of seeds, so it has less chance of choking problem.
Valencia oranges are well-known for their super high juice content. They have also skin, but it is thinner as compared to navel oranges. For this reason, it can a little more challenging to peel but still many pet owners like to offer their parrots.
Blood oranges are available in super market in red or maroon color, and having distinctive flavor. They are in slightly sweeter and more intense to regular oranges.
Mandarin oranges are present in market with many versions like as Tangerines, Clementines, Satsumas. Mostly, they are seedless oranges, but if have seeds, then in very few amount. Cockatiels do enjoy with their sweet and tangy flavor.
How Much Should You Give Oranges To Your Cockatiels?
Keep remembering before feeding oranges; they should never exceed 10 % of your Cockatiel’s regular diet. That is why; you can serve them one or two bits every two days.
Therefore, even oranges have various beneficial nutritious, but never cross the limit of your pet’s diet. Never try to become their primary diet of oranges.
Feeding Tips of Oranges to Cockatiels
When you introduce new foods to your cockatiel, then it ‘should be gradually that digestive system easily adjusts them. Here are some steps to follow:
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Start Small: Begin by offering a tiny piece of orange to gauge your cockatiel’s interest.
Mix with Familiar Foods: Combine the small piece of orange with other foods your cockatiel already enjoys. This can make the new food more appealing.
Observe Reactions: Pay close attention to your cockatiel’s reaction to the orange. If they show signs of enjoyment and no adverse effects, you can continue offering it in moderation.
Gradually Increase: If your cockatiel tolerates the orange well, you can gradually increase the portion size. But, keep maintaining the frequency of once or twice a week.
Best Alternative of Oranges for Your Pet Birds
If you’re hesitant to feed oranges to your cockatiel parrots, otherwise they don’t seem to enjoy them, there are plenty of other fruits that can provide similar nutritional benefits. Some suitable alternatives include:
Apples: Low in acidity and high in fiber and vitamins. Be sure to remove seeds and core.
Berries: They are available in many versions like as Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. Every verity contains super high antioxidants and vitamins.
Melons: Watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew are hydrating and packed with vitamins.
Papaya: High in vitamin A and digestive enzymes.
Mango: Rich in vitamins A and C.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Can Cockatiels Safely Have Oranges?
Again resounding, yes! You can offer this fruits to your cockatiels, but fed in moderation with gradually. Oranges can get bad impact on birds, because having rich amount acidity and sugar content.
What Part of Orange Can Cockatiels Intake?
The orange’s flesh is eatable part that offers many vitamins and minerals to cockatiels. Make ensuring that eliminated peel, tough seeds, and any hard part, before giving them. Otherwise, any hard part can arise the choking problems.
How Can I Tell If My Cockatiel Likes Oranges?
While offering a small piece of orange and keep eyes on your cockatiel’s reaction. If they are eagerly to eat this fruit, and no developing any signs of digestive upset; then it’s likely they do enjoy it.
Can Cockatiels Eat Dried Oranges?
Cockatiels can take enjoy of dried oranges, but with caution. Dried oranges often contain super high added sugars and preservatives that can be marked a bad impact on your birds. Therefore, dried fruit should be additives free and serve it infrequently as an occasional treat.
Wrapping Up: Can Cockatiels Eat Oranges?
As result of this post, absolutely you can serve oranges to your pet birds. As we explained above, oranges are safe, and having a lot of nutrients that are useful for your cockatiel. However, your cockatiel intakes orange in moderation form to avoid obesity problem.
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Apart of this, always provide the grown by organically, instead of the pesticide-treated orange to your pet birds.
Do you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding on this? You can drop a comment!
Have a Nice Day!!